
Proposing with a Moissanite Engagement Ring

Every lady loves to grace her body with a shiny piece of jewellery. For so long, diamonds have dominated the jewel world. However, most people consider a cheaper alternative to staying classy – moissanite. They use these gemstones in various special events, including weddings and proposals. For one, they are less expensive and more radiant than diamonds. It is worth noting that their cost-effectiveness does not imply that they are inferior – far from that. However, it is easier to grow these crystals in the lab into large chunks before cutting them than mining diamonds.

“But how about lab-grown diamonds?” you may ask. You do not have to go for the naturally mined diamonds if you are not sure about their ethical background – lab diamonds are ideal. However, they don’t come cheap as well. Besides, moissanite reflects a more dazzling spectrum of light, making your piece of jewellery the centre of attraction.

Are Moissanite Gemstones Fake Diamonds?

You may have come across colleagues undermining moissanite and categorizing it as a diamond replica. But one thing to note is that diamonds and moissanite are not the same – the latter is a type of gemstone and not a “fake” diamond. The fact that it comes at an affordable price does not make it cheap. On the Mohs hardness scale, diamonds have a rating of 10, while moissanite gemstones are at 9.5. Hence, these precious stones can last a lifetime and beyond. You can pass on your moissanite jewellery to your children and grandchildren as an inheritance, just as you would with diamond accessories.

Moissanite has a “double-refraction” quality that gives twice more light spectrum than a diamond. When light passes through the gemstone, it bends and divides into two, unlike its “cousin” that disperses just a single light ray.

Interesting History of Moissanite

Do you know that moissanite has a fascinating history – one that sounds like a scene from a blockbuster sci-fi movie. It goes thus: Henri Moissan, the 1906 Nobel Prize Chemistry winner, discovered moissanite in its raw form, Silicon Carbide (SiC), in a meteor crater, in Arizona. This discovery earned the precious mineral the caption, “gemstone born from the stars.” So, your moissanite jewel may have an extra-terrestrial origin – or so they claim. Here is the fact, this naturally occurring compound occurs in other parts of the world as well. So, do not raise your hopes too high on an alien story.

Back to our discussion, scientists grow silicon carbide in the lab into large moissanite crystals, which they cut into smaller gemstones. One company has the exclusive right to produce these precious stones – Charles & Colvard. They also sell these valuable items to other jewel retailers across the United States. Unfortunately, they are not the only dealers in the game, as some fraudsters trade moissanite “knock-offs” on the market through various means.